Welcome to the UKDHC Media page, also known as the UKDHC-Player.
On this page we provide access to video and audio content from UKDHC events and developments.
View our webinars, interviews and conference streams here.
Autumn webinar series 2024
Autumn webinar 6: Supporting mentoring for health and care professionals and SMEs
A discussion between Prof. Angus Wallace, Dr Alex Harkins and David Wright
Autumn webinar 5:
Has digital made it easier and safer to deliver care
over the last 10 years? What hope is there for the next 10 years?
Presentation by Will Monaghan, CDIO UHL & UHN
Autumn webinar 4:
How we support family and carers in the home using digital technology
Presentation by George Kowalski, VP Business Development MiiCare Ltd
Autumn webinar 3:
Which digital skills are of most value to health and care staff?
Presentation by Jane Fitzgerald and Linda Vernon
Autumn webinar 2:
The challenges of clinical coordination: How can we better manage information flows across boundaries?
Presentation by Dr DJ Hamblin-Brown, CEO CAREFUL
Autumn Webinar 1:
6-month report of UKDHC achievements and planning for October 2024 to March 2025
Discussion between Prof. Angus Wallace and David Wright facilitated by Dr Taimur Shaoib
Poster presentation prizewinners: interviews
UKDHC Conference 2024
What we have and what we need to provide for the best digital health and care in Orkney
Presentation by Debs Crohn and Nick Crohn
Developing a digitally enabled NHS workforce in England and Scotland
Presentation by Prof. Lesley Holdsworth OBE and James Freed
UKDHC Conference Podium Presentation Prize winner – 4 September 2024:
DeepUTI: A novel deep learning method performs as well as experienced microscopists at detecting markers of urine infection
Presentation by Dr Natasha Liou
UKDHC Conference Podium Presentation Prize winner – 4 September 2024:
Using machine learning to identify individual-based multimorbidity clusters and healthcare utilisation in a deprived area
Presentation by Dr Nehal Hassan
UKDHC Conference Podium Presentation Prizewinner – 4 September 2024:
Helping community pharmacists identify ‘high risk patients’: How FLAG-Me alerts can improve medication safety for people with sight impairments
Presentation by Dr Lisa Riste
Meeting GMC requirements for appraisal and revalidation
Presentation by John Woodhouse and Alan Hassey
Digital Health to the Rescue: lessons from the pandemic
Presentation by Prof. Michael Kidd
Optimising musculoskeletal patient pathways through a digital triage and self-management innovation: A service evaluation set within community musculoskeletal
Presentation by Mr Kevin Tucker
Action Plan for the Digital Patient
Presentation by Marlene Winfield OBE
The Patient Passport
Presentation by Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, CEO Patients Know Best
Allied Health Professionals Unlocking Potential: Stakeholder Engagement in User-Centred Design
Chair: Helen Robson; speakers: Chandrasekhar Rathinam, Melanie Martin, Dr Venkatesh Muthukrishnan
Do we need digital clinical safety?
A discussion between Stuart Harrison, Co-founder & CEO, ETHOS Ltd, Research Assistant, University of Warwick and Clive Flashman, Chief Digital Officer, Patient Safety Learning
Is the UK Health System set up to Fail?
Presentation by David J Wright, Former CEO, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Former Director, Healthcare – Bahrain Economic Board, Director, UK Digital Health & Care
Competence and confidence in informatics: a UK AHP perspective
Presentation by Euan McComiskie, Health Informatics Lead, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Results of the NHS digiwell trial with Airemail tool
Presentation by Dr Ameet Bakhai, Co-Founder AirEmail & Cardiologist/Research Director, Royal Free Hospital, London