UKDHC aims and constitution
1. Name and purpose
1a. The association will be a community interest company (CIC) limited by guarantee called UK Digital Health and Care CIC (hereinafter referred to as ‘the association’).
1b. The purpose of the association is to advance the field of clinical informatics and digital health and social care in the UK by fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing and professional development among informaticians in the fields of health and social care.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the association are:
2a. To provide a platform for health and social care informaticians and those specialising in digital health to educate and exchange ideas, information and best practices.
2b. To organise seminars, workshops and conferences aimed at educating members and the public about clinical informatics and digital health.
2c. To provide guidance on standards being set for those working in digital health and care standards and provide both basic and advanced training in the specialty both through its own facilities and in collaboration with higher education organisations.
2d. To promote research and innovation in clinical informatics and digital health.
2e. To advocate for policies that support the advancement and ethical practice of clinical informatics and digital health.
2f. To collaborate with relevant stakeholders to enhance the quality and efficiency of healthcare through informatics and digital health.
3. Membership
3a. Membership is open to informaticians from all backgrounds and working areas, and those individuals specialising in digital health and in the social services – both formal and informal networks in the UK. It is also open for membership for individuals actively engaged or interested in clinical informatics and digital health, subject to the approval of the association’s Membership Committee.
3b. There shall be two categories of member – full member and student member (i.e. full-time students, both undergraduate and postgraduate).
3c. Members must adhere to the association’s code of conduct and support its objectives.
3d. Membership fees will be determined by the association’s Membership Committee.
4. Standing committees
4a We are planning for four future standing committees:
5. Board of Directors Committee
5a. The association will initially be managed by a Board of Directors Committee. In future, a Management Committee is to be introduced with members elected to this committee.
5b. The Board of Directors Committee will consist of a chair, general secretary, finance director, chair of the Education and Training Committee and additional members who will consist of other directors and invited advisers.
5c. Committee members will serve for a period of three years, as outlined in the association’s bylaws.
5d. The Board of Directors Committee will convene a minimum of four meetings per year to discuss and make decisions regarding the association’s affairs.
5e. Attendance requirement – all committee members should attend a minimum of 66% of their committee meetings per year. Only in exceptional circumstances (approved by the committee chair) should committee members attendance fall below this level.
5f. Declaration of potential conflicting interests – all committee members should declare, at the commencement of their committee meetings any conflict of interest that they may have. If that becomes a major conflict of interest for one of the subjects being discussed at the meeting, they should recuse themselves from that part of the meeting.
6. Annual general meeting (AGM)
6.a The AGM will normally be held in September or October each year.
6.b The business of the AGM will include the election of office-bearers and committee members whose appointments come up for renewal and any revision of the constitution of the association.
7. Finances
7a. The association’s funds will be managed by the Finance Committee chaired by the finance director and accounted for transparently.
7b. Financial accounts will be audited annually by an independent auditor appointed by the members.
7c. Any surplus funds will be used solely to advance the objectives of the association.
8. Amendments
8a. This constitution can only be amended by a majority vote at a general meeting of members.
8b. Proposed amendments must be circulated to all members at least 7 working days in advance of the meeting.
9. Dissolution
9a. In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets after settling liabilities will be transferred to a charitable organisation with similar objectives, as determined by the members.
10. Adoption of the constitution
10a. This constitution will be adopted upon approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a general meeting called for this purpose.
Professor William Angus Wallace, Chair, Board of Directors
J N François Taljard, Technical Director (& anaesthetist, Scotland)
DJ Hamblin-Brown, Finance Director (& emergency physician, director CAREFUL, England)
James Reed, Director (& CCIO consultant forensic psychiatrist, England)
Taimur Shoaib, Director (& plastic surgeon, Scotland)
- Membership fees for 2024
- Members = £120/year
- Students = £60/year
What will UKDHC deliver for members?
It will provide:
Members will be invited to share their contact details – email address &/or mobile phone numbers with other members to facilitate good communication between members.