Winter webinar #2: Telemedicine and robotic surgery across national borders – legal challenges & solutions


With the expansion of both telemedicine and robotic surgery, there has been an increase in consultations and robotic surgery being carried out across national boundaries. This has both medical and legal implications and the speakers will discuss how they have been addressing this.


Winter webinar #3: The NHS is helping patients but is it hurting SMEs?

The UK has a group of vibrant innovators who have been developing apps for the benefit of health and social care in the UK. The challenge is validating the apps for the NHS without incurring huge expense and then getting the commercial directorate of NHS England (and the other devolved nations) to purchase the apps without having to jump through all the hurdles provided by the NHS purchasers.


Winter webinar #4: UKDHC Real Deal Programme: Remote evaluation and lessons – Digital expertise assisted learning

UKDHC in collaboration with the University of Central Lancashire and Think Employment has developed a digital competency self-assessment on-line module to help health and care staff to assess their own digital competencies. Any NHS or care employee will be able to link to our assessment programme from home and carry out their own ‘self-assessment’ online.

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